'Setting out to travel in Myanmar we had almost no idea where we were going, but Go-Myanmar.com successfully directed us to paradise.'

' Our amazing trip was made easy by the informed local knowledge on travel, accommodation and the general do's and don'ts of this wonderful country provided by Go-Myanmar.com. It ensured we had everything planned, organised and most importantly made easy. '

' The best and clearest guide to Myanmar I have found. '

'Excellent work preparing, and then constantly modifying, my and my son Isaac's trip to Mandalay, Bagan, Inle and Yangon; absolutely everything you arranged was perfect. Above all, for new visitors to Myanmar like us, what was most reassuring was the absolutely cast-iron reliability of all the travel arrangements – most particularly, the guides meeting us at each arrival point without fail, and delivering us to the next departure point in perfect time, and seeing us through all the difficulties of airport-luggage checking in systems… I was particularly impressed when we were met at Bagan station by our excellent guide Aung Soe Win at 4am, and delivered safely to our hotel for a few hours sleep.
What was so remarkable about Go-Myanmar's ethos was its combination of the utterly firm dependability in travel arrangements, the booking and provision of travel tickets and excellent, reasonably priced hotels in the most beautiful locations. At each location, the guide managed to find us the less high-profile things we were searching for - the people's food and household-ware markets (rather than the larger tourist ones), the genuine local trades – particularly in the creeks leading off Inle Lake: the lotus-weavers, the boat-makers, the floating vegetable-gardens, the tobacco makers. Inle Lake was the high point of our stay: it was exceptionally beautiful and fascinating, and our guide, uncomplainingly and smoothly, changed plans to allow us to spend two days on the lake instead of one.
Reliability, flexibility, and the quality of your guides are the three outstanding areas I would like to praise most. Each guide spoke English beautifully, and was extremely (but not oppressively!) well-informed on any topic we thought of raising. They were local to the area (on Inle we had an absolutely charming, but also very bright, Shan guide). And they were all not only extremely intelligent – but also very nice indeed: gently, bright, friendly, understanding, and completely at our service in a fraternal and not servile way. With each we felt as though we had made good friends in the one or two days we spent with them. We were particularly impressed by Aung Soe Win at Bagan, with his passionate wish to educate us in the symbolism of Buddhist architecture, and the tales from Buddha's teachings illustrated on the walls of one particularly artistically fascinating site.’

' Thanks for the great trip! My sister is new to traveling, so I can't overstate how good it was to have a well-organized plan and tour - the team was brilliant. '

' Thank you for the wonderful trip we had in Myanmar - the hotels, sites, guides and services were great. '

' I loved using Go-Myanmar.com - both the content and user experience are sophisticated and impressive. '

' I used Go-Myanmar.com for my trip to this amazing country – the website was easy to use, helpful and informative and the trip itself was incredible. The booking process was quick and easy and all the booking staff were very helpful. I couldn't recommend the whole package enough. '

' Phenomenal. I have been researching my upcoming trip to Myanmar for months now and just stumbled upon Go-Myanmar.com, I wish I had found it earlier. '

' I have been using Go-Myanmar.com as reference for all my research so far, it's really great. The most informative and clearest website on Myanmar I have found. '